रविवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2021

Who Shri Tripura Sundari?

The 3rd Mahavidya "Shri Tripura Sundari"
There are ten Mahavidyas. The Shodashi(षोडशी) or Tripura Sundari is The third Mahavidya. Bhagwati Lalita Tripura Sundari (भगवती ललिता त्रिपुर सुंदरी) is the main deity of Shri Yantra (श्रीयन्त्र). The goddess Tripura Sundari is depicted in her Shodashi (षोडशी) aspect as a sixteen-year-old girl and is believed to represent sixteen kinds of desires. Tripura Sundari, also known as Shodashi, Lalita (ललिता) and Rajarajeshvari (राजराजेश्वरी).

Shodashi (the goddess who is 16 years old): It is the climax of the creative cycle when the entire universe is in full bloom like a flower. She is the presiding Deity of the Shri Vidya form of worship and is contacted either in the central circuit of the Shri Yantra or in your own yantra, the Nava-Yoni Chakra. Her anthropomorphic characteristics are brilliance, manifestation, sweetness, depth, fixity, energy, grace and generosity. She is sitting on the lotus that has blossomed out of the navel of Lord Shiva is a beautiful young girl of 16 years with four arms. Her complexion is like molten gold and Her beauty is continuously seen by Lord Shiva. At one point, she is being made one with Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu's consort. 

 Bhagwati Tripura Sundari (त्रिपुरसुंदरी)  - The Beauty of the Three Worlds 

Sundari is no ordinary beauty. She is the most blissful and beautiful of all goddesses as she represents the ultimate bliss at the source of all joys. The highest beauty does not reside in any object, although it is not separate from objects. The highest beauty is perception: "to hold the Infinite in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour," as the poet Blake so eloquently wrote. Beauty is derived from the light of consciousness that radiates through objects. It is never really contained in any object. Therefore, beauty can never disappear, but rather The light of beauty that we see in things is, therefore, the light of our own consciousness. By discovering it, we contact the sources of infinite delight within us. This is part of the Sundari revelation.

 The beauty of perception occurs only when the mind is cleansed of the known when the consciousness is cleansed of its conditioning and rests in pure consciousness without any memory residue. Then everything we see radiates with the light of eternity and is effulgent with the glory of our own Self as the Universal Self. Otherwise, the residue of our thoughts and emotions, like a dark film, obstructs the subtle and transparent beauty and presence in things, even though we can clearly perceive their physical characteristics. 

 Sundari represents the ultimate beauty of pure perception that arises when we see the entire universe in ourselves when we see all of nature as a reflection of the reality of consciousness. Sundari is, therefore, the beauty of nature but as seen through the spiritual eye of oneness - the view that the entire universe is Brahman (ब्रह्म) - there is nothing but God above, below, within, without, north, south, east or west, past, present or future. Sundari, therefore, is the Goddess of Vedantic knowledge, which is the knowledge of the Supreme or Divine Being. She teaches us that everything is the self and that the world is Brahman or the Absolute. From her perspective, Samsara is Nirvana (निर्वाण); the world of illusion merges with the Absolute. Hence, she is the most beloved Goddess form among Swamis and Vedantic Masters. She represents the knowledge of the Supreme Being. 

 The entire universe exists for the delight of consciousness, which is the game of the Divine Mother. Creation arises in joy and returns to joy. We are passing figures in the eternal game of it, who have not yet understood the source of the energy that Our pain and suffering is a delusion, a misconception born of ignorance and ego. Because we try to control or possess joy from the standpoint of the separate self, we separate ourselves from the true joy that is universal. the image of joy shows us the way out of our error, which is not denying ourselves happiness but discovering the true happiness we seek, which is to be one with everyone. Lalita awakens the receptive soul to the happiness that underlies everything. things.

 The great Yantra or energy pattern that underlines the entire universe, arising from the ॐ mantra. She is the deity who lives on the summit of Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain or the mountain of the spine, and gives the commands through which the entire universe moves. She is the divine love, which is the central motivating force behind the universe and which is the original impulse in our own hearts.

Sundari is also called Rajarajeshvari or "the highest ruler of the universe". All the commands that govern the universe arise from it, including the command that enables us to develop spiritually or to give spiritual teachings in the world. We must seek their command in order to do something meaningful in life. However, their command is not based on authority but on love. To get their approval we just have to be open to their love. What she allows us is to love her and to love everything. However, in order to discover their commands, we must be willing to give up our own selfish desires and try to control things. Tripura Sunday is often depicted as a young girl at the age of 16. As such she is called 16 (षोड़श) or the young girl (बाला). It is at this stage of a woman's life that the delightful aspect of her existence is most pronounced. It is their nature to play, seek new experiences and charm others. Your innocence attracts all that is true and good. Sunday is the power of consciousness, Chit Shakti. It is the consciousness of the Supreme Self, Paramatman(परमात्मन), as one with the Supreme Reality or the Absolute,(परब्रह्म). Because of true knowledge, it is called, Samvit (संवित)  which is the power to understand all things as consciousness itself. Bhagwati Lalita is thus the power of spiritual knowledge (ज्ञान शक्ति), which is more a question of feeling and perception than of thinking and analysis is. That is why she is the form of the goddess most worshipped by those who follow yoga. Bhagwati Shodasi is the form of the goddess who represents the pure consciousness and the bliss that flows from it. It combines the being of Kali (काली) with the knowledge of Tara (तारा) and adds the bliss dimension of spiritual realization.

This article translated from talks between Swami Shri Vishwadevanand Puri Ji and Anantbodh Chaitanya on Shri Vidya. 

For more information about Shri Vidya kindly visit our website: www.shriyantramandir.com

गुरुवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2021

Shri Yantra: The Manifestation of Sacred Geometry

Shri Yantra: The Manifestation of Sacred Geometry by Alakh Yogi Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya 

What is sacred geometry? 

Sacred geometry is beyond religion and doctrine, yet many of its principles have been adopted by different religions in their architecture and art. Through the centuries, architects around the world have used certain geometric principles to build their temples, monuments and cathedrals—intended as symbolic models of the universe. Sacred geometry merges the physical, tangible aspects of creation with the spiritual essence behind them. It is the meeting of the seen and the unseen, the manifest and the unmanifest, the finite and the infinite, the mundane and the profound. Sacred geometry has played an integral role in the philosophy, architecture and art of numerous cultures since time began. 

 Why we need this? 

 Throughout the process of evolution, man has always found ways to guard and secure himself by using cosmic forces. History offers us infinite insights and instances of people who’ve employed these forces of nature to their advantage in the form of talismans, yantras and various other mystic charms as a sacred geometry 

What is Shri Yantra? 

 The Sanskrit term Shri yantra originates from “yan” or “yam” meaning “medium” and “tra” meaning “instrument” or “tool”. Here Shri represents wealth and Yantra is an instrument, apparatus or an amulet endowed with protective powers, its ultimate purpose is to unite us with our higher selves. Shri Yantra holds supreme status among all mystic sciences and disciplines. Tantric gurus have collectively declared Shri yantra as the best medium for manifestation and wish fulfilment. The Shri Yantra is considered to be the tool for obtaining and fulfilling all worldly desires and for material manifestation. 

The Shri Yantra is a mathematically precise design and based upon Golden Proportion or Phi ratio. Everything that exists in nature, is constructed in a proportionately precise manner and this proportion is called the Golden/Phi ratio. The Shri Yantra means “holy instrument” and can also be known as the Shri Chakra or “holy wheel”. It contains all form of sacred geometry/golden ratio, is mathematically precise and can also represent the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine (The upward triangles meeting the downward triangles. 

Staring at the central dot or ‘Bindu’ of the Shri Yantra is known and proven to create changes within the brain and the stimulation of the Pineal gland by focusing our attention on the ‘3rd eye’ area. The Pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain. It produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns in both seasonal and circadian rhythms. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located in the epithalamus, near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. The typical Shri Yantra with its central point (Bindu) and concentric circles of petals and other geometries are conceived of as a sacred dwelling in which the presiding deity and their entourage take up residence. So you move through each layer pay attention to what elements are being brought in. Look at the number behind each of the segments like the 9 strings or why are there 4 triangles for the Shiva and Shakti. 

 The Bindu represents the location of the highest manifestation of the deity as well as the focal point through which the deity transcends the relative plane, with its form and structure to merge into the formless consciousness. To help visually understand, the Bindu is the centre of the Shri Yantra and the dot is the symbol of AUM – it represents the piercing, breaking or bursting through (Bindu Vedhana) and it is the final stage. This is the very same formless consciousness in which the devotee merges with the highest truth. The Shri Yantra is then fully activated in its Divine nature and reveals the true potential and nature of the devotee in this merging and loving Shri relationship with the Divine as the divine. 

How Shri Yantra Works 

Exploring Yantra Dynamics Shri Yantra is an energy mapping machine. It is a blueprint that radiates a specific frequency due to its unique geometric construction. When focusing or meditating on a Shri Yantra, the mind automatically comes into alignment and resonates to the particular energy of the yantra. This sequence of resonance is magnified as one consistently meditates over it. Shri Yantra acts as a reservoir of divine energy. It is a medium through which the invincible energy acts on an individual. This channelled energy possesses an intense power to attract and manifest the desired experiences. 

 Significance of Shri Yantra in Modern Times. 

 Primitive people began wearing amulets and yantras to protect themselves from an often frightening world. Shri Yantra guarded the user against enemies, animals and provided protection against the evil eye. In our modern societies, our fears, needs and challenges are more sophisticated in nature. In this age, we are tortured by inflation, crime, natural and man-made disasters. There are the ever-expanding inner demons such as anxiety, frustrations and mental illness too, to name but a few. The use of yantra in present-day is therefore much more relevant than ever before.

मंगलवार, 9 फ़रवरी 2021

अनंतबोध चैतन्य की श्रीगुरु स्वामी श्री विश्वदेवानन्द जी से पहली मुलाकात

 मुझसे बहुत लोग पूछते है कि मैं (अनंतबोध चैतन्य) स्वामी जी (गुरूजी ब्रह्मलीन स्वामी श्री विश्वदेवानन्द पुरी जी) से कैसे मिला। आज मैं  बताना चाहूँगा। ये बात है 2003 की मैं  और श्री त्रयम्बकेश्वर चैतन्य जी श्रीनर्मदा परिक्रमा के लिए श्री ओंकारेश्वर तीर्थ में थे और वहां से श्रीसाम्बसदाशिव का विधिवत पूजन कर माँ नर्मदा जी से प्रार्थना कर हमने अपनी श्री नर्मदा जी की यात्रा आरम्भ की।  

यात्रा के चौथे पांचवे दिन श्री नर्मदा जी के तट पर ही स्वामी आत्मानंद जी जो महानिर्वाणी अखाड़े के महामंडलेश्वर है वो अपनी तीन लोगो की मंडली के साथ हमें मिले। बहुत सारा शास्त्र चिन्तन हुआ।  हम लोगो ने लगभग पांच छह दिन साथ में ही परिक्रमा की। वहां स्वामी आत्मानंद जी ने मुझे पूछा आप किस के शिष्य हो ? मैंने  कहा मैं अभी गुरु की खोज में ही हूं। तो उन्होंने मुझे निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर स्वामी विश्वदेवानंद जी के बारे में बताया। मैंने कहा कि मेरी कुछ शर्ते है जो उन पर खरा उतरेगा उन्हें ही गुरु के रूप में धारण करूँगा।  स्वामी जी ने कहा आपको कैसे गुरु चाहिए? मैंने कहा जो भाई भतीजा वाद से ग्रस्त न हो, और चेली वाद से परे हो। जो पुरातन पंथी न हो। जो क्षेत्र वाद से परे हो।  जो लालची न हो, और संकुचित विचारधारा के न हो।  स्वामी आत्मानंद जी बोले हमारे आचार्य जी इन सब से परे है।  आप एक बार उनसे मिल लीजिये फिर बताइयेगा। स्वामी जी ने मुझे कहा की आचार्य जी को भी किसी योग्य विद्वान की खोज है। यही पहला मेरा परिचय गुरूजी से स्वामी आत्मानंद जी ने करवाया। 

क्योकि स्वामी आत्मानंद जी श्रीनर्मदापरिक्रमा के उद्देश्य से परिक्रमा नहीं कर रहे थे वो तो केवल भगवती की कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए हर वर्ष कुछ दिन नर्मदा जी के किनारे विचरण करते थे। स्वामी आत्मानंद जी नर्मदा जी के किनारे आश्रम बनाना चाहते थे और उन्होंने बहुत सुंदर आश्रम श्री नर्मदा जी के तट पर बनाया भी।  उसके बाद  त्रयंबकेश्वर चैतन्य जी और मैं भगवती श्री नर्मदा जी की परिक्रमा मार्ग पर अग्रसर हो गए।   श्री नर्मदा जी के तट पर बहुत आनंद की प्राप्ति हुयी।  नित्य प्रति सत्संग और शिवाभिषेक हुए।  बहुत दिव्य महापुरुषों के दर्शन भी हुए।  मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि श्रीनर्मदा परिक्रमा के पुण्य स्वरुप ही श्री गुरु की प्राप्ति हुयी। 

पुनः मैं 2004 के उज्जैन कुम्भ में महानिर्वाणी अखाड़े की छावनी में मुझे गुरु जी के प्रथम दर्शन हुए।  उसके बाद अप्रैल 2005 में मेरी गुरु जी से फोन पर बात हुयी। गुरु जी ने मुझे  श्री संन्यास आश्रम, अहमदाबाद में  आने को कहा। गुरु जी की  आज्ञानुसार मैं आश्रम में उपस्थित हुआ।  गुरु जी ने मुझसे पुछा 'कि मैं साधु क्यों बनना चाहता हूँ ?"

मैंने कहा कि मैंने पढ़ा है "यद् अहरेव विरजेद् तदहरेव प्रवजेद्" तो मुझे वैराग्य हो गया है अतःएव मैं विधिवत गुरु की शरण में रहकर उपासना और सेवा करना चाहता हूँ।  गुरु जी बहुत प्रसन्न हुए  उन्होंने मुझे कोठारी से मिलने को कहा।  उस समय स्वामी कृष्णानंद जी संन्यास आश्रम के कोठारी थे।  आश्रम में मुद्रा बहन, जयश्री बहन और बिखु काका मैं प्रथम दिन ही मिला।  फिर गुरूजी ने मुझे लंगोटी, वस्त्र और मंत्र दिया। गुरूजी ने कहा "कि आज से तुम्हारा नाम अनंतबोध चैतन्य हुआ।" और  मुझे मठाम्नाय के बारे में भी बताया।  गुरूजी ने न मुझसे मेरी जाती पूछी न ही जन्म स्थान और न ही मेरी शिक्षा के बारे में कुछ पूछा।  फिर दो तीन दिन बाद गुरु जी ने मुझे अपने पास बुलाया और गीता व उपनिषद के बारे में मेरा कितना अध्ययन है इसके बारे में पूछा। मैंने गुरूजी को बताया कि मैंने बाबा गुरु जी नरवर से प्रस्थान त्रयी का अध्ययन किया है और श्री सांगवेद महाविद्यालय नरवर से दर्शन विषय में आचार्य किया है।  उसके बाद मैंने मेरी पारिवारिक पृष्टभूमि के बारे में गुरूजी को अवगत कराया। गुरु जी ने कहा कि वो मेरी जन्म भूमि चलेंगे। और गुरूजी मेरी जन्म भूमि गए भी।  गुरूजी ने कहा कि मैं कोई भगोड़ा नहीं हूँ।  गुरु जी की बातों को याद करके अभी भी मुझे रोमाञ्च होता है।  

तो ऐसे मेरी गुरु जी के साथ मुलाकात हुयी। 

ॐ नमो नारायणाय। 

रविवार, 7 फ़रवरी 2021

स्वामी श्रीशरदपुरी जी महाराज

   ।। श्रीशरदपुरीमहाराजपञ्चम् ।। 

 विद्यावैभवसंयुतं शिवकृपास्नातं शुभाढ्यं गुरुं वेदार्थैकविवक्तृरूपमतुलौदार्यैस्सदाढ्यं द्विजं शास्त्रोल्लाससमन्वितं हरिकथागानैस्सदानन्दितं वन्दे श्रीशरदं पुरीं मुनिवरं सत्यैकनिष्ठं प्रभुम्।।१।।

 विद्या के वैभव (ऐश्वर्य) से युक्त, भगवान् शिव की कृपा से नहाए हुए, वेदों के अर्थ विशेष वक्ता स्वरूप, अतुलनीय उदारता से सदा धनवान्, ब्राह्मण, शास्त्रों के ज्ञान से उल्लासित, हरि की कथा से सदा आनंदित,सत्य के प्रति एकनिष्ठ, मुनिवर, श्रीशरद पुरी जी महाराज को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं।। 

 नानाख्यानकथासुगाननिपुणं ब्रह्मौजसा भासितं विज्ञानाक्षियुतं ह्यदृश्यमपि यस्संलोकयेद्दृश्यवत् नम्रत्वादिगुणैर्महत्वपरकश्शैवार्थयुक्तं यतिं वन्दे श्रीशरदं पुरीं शमकरं लोकोपकारे रतम्।।२।। 

 अनेक प्रकार के आख्यान और कथाओं को गाने में जो अत्यंत निपुण हैं , ब्रह्म के तेज से विभासित हैं, विज्ञान की दृष्टि वाले हैं , अदृश्य को भी जो साक्षात् दृश्य की तरह देख लेते हैं , नम्रता आदि गुणों के कारण महान्, शैव अर्थ से युक्त , महात्मा, शांति प्रदान करने वाले , संसार के कल्याण में लगे रहने वाले , श्री शरद पुरी महाराज को प्रणाम करता हूं।

 दिव्यत्वप्रतिपादकं सुविमलं देवार्चनातत्परं पुण्याभाविलसन्मुखं शिवगुरोर्मोदाम्बुधौ मज्जितं सारल्यप्रतिमूर्तिमेव सुगुरुं श्रौतप्रभाभासितं वन्दे श्रीशरदं पुरीं मखकरं विप्रप्रियं भावुकम्।।३।। 

 दिव्यत्व का प्रतिपादन करने वाले निर्मल चरित्र देवताओं की अर्चना में तत्पर पुणे की आभा से विरासत मुख वाले शिव गुरु की आनंद सागर में डूबे हुए , सारल्य की प्रतिमूर्ति, सच्चे गुरु , श्रौत की प्रभा से उद्भासित,यज्ञ कराने वाले , ब्राह्मणों के प्रिय और भावुक, श्री शरद पुरी महाराज को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं। 

 तात्पर्यार्थविवेचकं सुमनसां कार्यैस्सदानन्दितं विद्वद्भिर्बहुशास्त्रधारिपुरुषैर्भक्त्या समावन्दितं लोकालोकसुखप्रदं भगवतीपूजाश्रियोद्भासितं वन्दे श्रीशरदं पुरीं शतगुणं मोहादिभिर्वर्जितम्।।४।। 

 तात्पर्य अर्थ का विवेचन करने वाले सज्जनों के कार्यों से सदा आनंदित होने वाले , विद्वानों और बहुत से शास्त्रों को धारण करने वाले पुरुषों के द्वारा , भक्ति पूर्वक वंदन किए जाते हुए, लौकिक और अलौकिक सुख प्रदान करने वाले , भगवती की पूजा रूपी श्री से उद्भासित स्वरूप वाले,सैकड़ों गुणों को धारण करने वाले , मोह आदि से दूर श्री शरद पुरी महाराज की मैं वंदना करता हूं। 

 सत्यार्थप्रियमाशुतोषशरणं श्रीरामपूजाश्रयं दिव्यार्थप्रतिपादकं सदसतोर्भेदे सुदक्षं धिया दाने रागयुतं च दीनजनतोद्धारे रतं सत्प्रियं वन्दे श्रीशरदं पुरीं हरिगुणं धर्मैकचिन्तारतम्।।५।। 

 सत्य अर्थ को प्रेम करने वाले , आशुतोष भगवान् शिव की शरण लेने वाले , श्री राम की पूजा ही है आश्रय जिनका ऐसे, दिव्य अर्थ के प्रतिपादक , सत्य और असत्य में अपनी बुद्धि के द्वारा भेद करने में बहुत ही निपुण, दान देने में राग युक्त , दीन जनता का उद्धार करने में लगे रहने वाले , सज्जनों के प्रिय, केवल धर्म का चिंतन करने में लगे रहने वाले , भगवान् विष्णु के गुणों का ध्यान करने वाले, श्री शरद पुरी महाराज को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं।

मंगलवार, 2 फ़रवरी 2021

Magical effects of sound therapy

Magical effects of sound therapy

 Indian ancient literature has a mention of chants and sound therapy on multiple occasions to overcome serious illnesses. The “Pran”, “Tejas” and “Ojas”, in the body are the basic elements which control the “Vaat”, “Pitt” and “cuff”. To balance these energies, there is an essential requirement of sounds, waves and mental chants, which have been proved to be very effective. Nowadays many countries are researching in the field of sound healing therapy. 

The Tibetan Singing Bowl Session, which is also known as Sound & Vibration Healing Therapy is quite renowned therapy. The sound of singing bowls resonates and vibrates helping one to relax, meditate, sleep or any other benefit you might find from them. In Italy, studies are being carried out on the effects of Mozart Music and its effects on the mind. 

The sound healing technique is very effective on our mind waves and brain functions. Due to sound waves, waves and mental chants, the brain creates pneumatic energy which is beneficial for the nerves, veins, arteries and hormonal secretion. These waves create energy with every breath we inhale or exhale. 

This combination of generated energy and sound waves re-energise the destroyed cells and fibres and cures blockages and regular practice makes the patient healthy. It has been found beneficial for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. “Our physical health is dependent on both bodily and mental health. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body. Do you know that cosmic sounds generate energy and waves which can cure a dull mind?