ब्रह्मचारी अनंतबोध चैतन्य लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
ब्रह्मचारी अनंतबोध चैतन्य लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
रविवार, 2 जून 2013
सोमवार, 11 जुलाई 2011
बुधवार, 15 जून 2011
शुक्रवार, 3 जून 2011
रविवार, 29 मई 2011
अनंतबोध चैतन्य द्वारा विरचित गुरुनिष्ठास्तव
निर्वाणपीठेश्वराय वेदान्तगुरवे नमः ।। 1
सुप्रसन्नं कर्मनिष्ठं निजानन्दस्वरुपिणम्
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 2
ज्ञाननिष्ठं धर्मनिष्ठं द्वंदातीतं यतेंद्रियम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 3
शरण्यं सर्वभक्तानां ब्रह्मानन्दस्वरूपकम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥4
श्रेयस्कामं महाभागं मानातीतं यतीश्वरम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 5
जपध्यानेरतं नित्यं भयशोकादिवर्जितम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 6
लोभमोहपरित्यक्तमाशापाशविवर्जितम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 7
विश्वदेवं गुरुवर्यं साक्षाद्शंकररुपिणम् ।
अज्ञानतिमिरध्वान्तं प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः॥ 8
गुरुस्तवमिदं पुण्यं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम् ।
मयाविरच्यते ह्येतदनंत ब्रह्मचारिणा ॥
अनंतबोध चैतन्य द्वारा लिया गया गुरु जी का परिचय

परम पूज्य आचार्य महामण्डलेश्वर निर्वाणपीठाधीश्वर श्री श्री १००८ स्वामी विश्वदेवानन्द जी के साथ वार्तालाप के कुछ अंश ---
महाराज श्री से जन्म समय तथा जन्म स्थान के बारे मे पूछने पर महाराज श्री का बडा सारगर्भित उत्तर-
पूज्य महाराज जी फ़रमाते हैं कि साधु का परिचय जन्म के साथ नहीं होता ,साधु अपनी मृत्यु से परिचय देता हैं। उसका कर्त्तृत्व ही समाज के लिये प्रेरक होता हैं। वह अपनी समसायमिक व्यवस्था के साथ आने वाली भविष्य की पीढियों के प्रति भी कर्तव्यबोध तथा प्रयोग के द्वारा जीवन के महत् उद्देश्यों व मूल्यों की विरासत प्रस्तुत करता हैं। साधु अपनी मृत्यु के साथ भी कुछ दे जाता है।यही कारण है कि महात्मा की मृत्युतिथि महोत्सव के रुप मे देखी जाती है, जिससे प्रेरणा लेकर जीवन को उत्सव की भांति जी सके। पुनः इसी प्रश्न के सन्दर्भ में महाराज श्री ने कहा कि जगन्मिथ्यात्त्व के दर्शन में समाहित हुई आत्मचेतना स्वयं के परम लक्ष्य ब्रह्मभाव में स्थिति के साथ देह और देह सम्बन्धी व्यवस्थाओं को लौकिक व्यवस्थाओं के सन्दर्भ में गौण मानती हुई उस पर ज्यादा चर्चा करने और सुनने में उत्सुक नहीं होती।
यथार्थ जगत् की अपनी एक सत्ता है किन्तु वह बाधित है।जीवन की अनिवार्यता तो उसमें है लेकिन सहज व अन्तिम स्थिति नहीं है। अतःएव उसे गौण रुप में देखते हुए परम लक्ष्य मे प्रतिष्ठित होना ही दृष्टि का प्रधान विषय होता है। यही कारण है कि दैहिक व्यस्थाओं मे ब्रह्मनिष्ठ महापुरुष की सन्निष्ठा महत्त्व का दर्शन नहीं करती।यही दृष्टि का आधारभूत दर्शन है, जो महापुरुष को सामान्य लौकिक व्यक्ति से अलग करता है । लोक में रह कर भी वह अलौकिक रहता हैं। साधुता के इसी मर्म के साथ साधु सही अर्थों मे साधु होता है एवं साधुता की साधना सिद्ध अन्तिम मञ्जिल तक पहुंचता है। दैहिक तल पर कर्त्तृत्व और इस तल से जुड़े हुए वह जन्मादि को ज्यादा प्रशांसित नहीं करता, इस अर्थ मे जयंती आदि के कार्यक्रम भी उसे आकर्षित नहीं कर पाते, दैहिक परिचयों के भूमि से वह अलग होता है बाध्यता है कि वह जगत मे होता है, क्योकि यह ईश्वरीय व्यवस्था है । सुख-दुख की विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में समता बोध के साथ जीता हुआ सब कुछ सहज से अपनाता हुआ, सत्य ब्रह्म की उर्ध्व भूमि में समासीन रहता है। इस अर्थ में दैहिक परिचय उपेक्षणीय मानता है। भक्त, अपनी आस्था से कुछ भी करें श्रध्दा की भाषा और भावना में किसी भी स्तर से मान की भूमिका बनायें लेकिन महापुरूष अमान और उन्मन ही रहते हैं।
सन्देश - आत्मस्थिति अर्थात् ब्रह्मात्मैक्यस्थिति का बोध यही जीवन का परम लक्ष्य है। जिस लक्ष्य का सन्देश वेदवेदान्त विभिन्न-घोषणाओं के द्वारा देते चले आ रहे है प्राप्त गुरुज्ञान से उसकी अनुभुति तथा स्मृति बनाये रखते हुये अपनी प्राप्त क्षमता तथा योग्यता के साथ ईश्वरीय चेतना के प्रकाश में व्यक्ति सत्कर्मों का अनुष्ठान करता हुआ सहज दोषों से अपने को अलग रखने का दृढ संकल्प रखें। सत्य एवं सदाचार का अनुसरण करें ।
संकलनकर्ता --- ब्रह्मचारी अनन्तबोध चैतन्य
Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya founder President of Sanatan Dhara Foundation.
Shri Satish Kumar known as Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya
Born in a pious family Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya had very deep attraction for spiritual life which was reflected in his day to day activities. Since his childhood, he had the intuition that he will dedicate his entire life for Self-realization and for the service of humanity.
He spent his young life under the feet of ascetics, monks and spiritual masters of Himalayas. When his aspiration for spiritual quest reached at its peak, he was initiated by one of the great spiritual master of India, belonging to lineage of Adi Shankaracharya and Adi Kapil Bhagwan, Acharya Mahamandelshwar Nirvana Pithadhishwar Swami Shri Vishwadevanada Ji Maharaj. His Guru not only initiated him into the order of one of greatest orders of Brahcharya (Brahmchari) in India which is more than 800 years old but also taught him important scriptures aimed at knowing purpose of life and Sadhana (spiritual practices) which culminates into realization of The Absolute of the west i.e. The Brahman of Vedas or The Ultimate Consciousness.
Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya practiced meditation and spiritual Sadhana at many places; the most important ones are forests of Girnar, Junagarh, Gujarat at the bank of river Narmada; Haridwar, the Spiritual Nucleus of India; Gangotri, The Himalayan region at the height of more than 11,000 ft above sea level. The deep aspiration for spirituality within him, led him to practice meditation in chilly winter, high up mountains in Himalayan in solitude for many years.
His Guru Ji (Master) inspired him to serve humanity through his knowledge, realizations and deeper understanding of Yoga. Keeping in mind the grace of his Guru, he established Sanatan Dhara Foundation in 2011, at Kankhal, Haridwar, and Uttrakhanda, India rededicating his entire life for humanity. He aims all his teaching at “know Thyself”
Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya gives lectures on Spirituality. He teaches Upanishadas, Gita, Patanjali Yoga, Meditation, and other Hatha Yoga practices with ease, clear and deeper understanding in order to inculcate lifestyle amongst people seeking spiritual awakening, health care and disease management. he guides, inspires, conducts practical programs from ancient wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda, Nature Cure and other allied sciences. His simple but easy and holistic programs have attracted people from all over the world. He has organized lectures in Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Karnal, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Sikar, Bangalore, Hyderabad and many parts of India out of humility and without asking any fees for it. This has attracted people from all over the world.
He is a great Astrologer also. His Sanatan Dhara Foundation is wholly dependent upon donations received from his devotees all over the world. The donations received are used for offering scholarships to children who cannot afford their fees for studies. Further, donations are also used for medications and helping downtrodden children from the society. What he teaches also practices in his day to day life. His life and action conveys one message,” Help the poor and heal the world from its sufferings” through Vedic and yoga teaching aimed human upliftment.
शनिवार, 28 मई 2011
Aims of Sanatan Dhara Foundation given by Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya
1. This foundation is committed to inspire people to join the cosmic direction, adopted by the Sanatan way of life, which is the secret science of God-realization. This can be achieved by the perfection of personality through the domination of intellect over mind and ego. Thus, the foundation helps devotees to achieve the ultimate state of pure consciousness. This aims are intuited and formulated by Shri Shri 108 Nirvana Pithadhishwar Acharya Mahamandleshwar Swami Vishwadevanada ji Maharaj.
2. This foundation is also committed to establish and support the centers for the practice of Yoga as propounded in the scriptures for the physical, mental and spiritual development of human. Again, it also aims to encourage and to add the practice of yoga & teachings of Upanishads in educational institutions. That is why we are going to publish principal eleven Upanishads on our blog one by one in all the three languages, i.e. Sanskrit (original), Hindi and English.
3. Said foundation is committed to provide food and shelter to old citizens and disable people with medical facility. And also committed to propagate the traditional wisdom and skills of nature cure, Yoga and Ayurveda of India.
4. This foundation is committed to protect and nurture the cows and calves (Goshala).
5. This foundation is committed to establish regional or local centers to promote the activities of the foundation in peaceful ways for revolutionizing the system of education.
6. Without prejudice to generality of aforesaid objects, the association shall have the power to acquire, receive and hold property of any kind, including securities and negotiable instruments, to construct and maintain building to manage, to transfer or otherwise dispose of or deal with property of any kind belonging to the foundation and to raise money by receiving donations and funds in such manner as may be deemed fit for and on behalf of foundation and to accept the management of any financial organization endowment in which the foundation may be interested.
7. This foundation is committed to establish and organize free medical checkup camp, free medical aid, and blood donation camp, free legal aid advice to poor and needy person.
8. This foundation also aims to organize campaign for women empowerment, against the female feticide, against the terrorism, against corruption, etc.
9. This foundation is committed to organize regular programs of hymn-singing, Gita chanting, yagana and lectures on Gita and Upanishads at national and international levels.
10. This foundation is also aims to establish museums, reading rooms and libraries with the literature of Sanatan mythology and Sanatan scriptures of Indian tradition.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)